Welcome to the 2025 school year! Hopefully your family is excited to embark on a new year of learning, friendships, activities and fun events with the FANS bilingual program.
A warm welcome to the new families joining our community. Your children have a unique opportunity to learn in two languages, and with over 25 years of experience, we are ready to lead them on their French journey.
Please take note of the upcoming important dates, events, and information in this newsletter.
If you have any questions about FANS, the bilingual program, or would like to discuss your child at any point, please don't hesitate to contact the staff at the FANS Office, located adjacent to the KHPS office on Tralee Avenue.
Please save our contact details to keep in touch:
Email: info@fanssydney.org
FANS Office: 02 9975 5038
Website: www.fanssydney.org
Best regards,
(French-speaking Association of the North Shore)

You're invited!

Sip & Chat Welcome EveningDrinks, Nibbles & Info
Friday 21 February, 5:30pm - 7:30pmForestville Community Hall28 Melwood Ave, Forestville (behind the RSL)
To kick off the 2025 social calendar, all FANS members are invited to catch-up with friends and meet new families.
Please bring some drinks and nibbles to share.

New Families Welcome Pack
Bilingual Program Fees 2025
As a bilingual program within a public school, we are committed to maintaining an affordable, quality bilingual program. We aim to make bilingualism accessible to all families, and our program fees are very competitive compared with independent and international schools.
The annual program fees of $1670 for the Anglophone stream, and $4195 for the Francophone stream cover teacher salaries for the academic year.
Please carefully read the general terms and conditions.

Intensive French Before School classes (IFBS)
Intensive French Before School (IFBS) classes are offered by the FANS bilingual program.
These classes are an integral part of the program for Francophone stream students and optional for Anglophone stream students.
The IFBS classes start in Year 1 and continue through Year 6.
IFBS for Francophone stream students
The mandatory IFBS classes for Francophone stream students are on Monday and Thursday mornings for all Francophone stream students for Years 1 - 6.
IFBS classes start at 8:00am and end at 8:45am, allowing for a 15-minute break before the 9am school bell.
The IFBS classes consolidate notions in grammar and conjugation and are an integral part of the Francophone stream bilingual program.
Francophone IFBS classes will start on Monday 10 Feb. 2025
A Kindy "garderie" operated by FANS is available during IFBS, Monday and Thursday from 8:00am to 8:30am, for the Kindy siblings of older students attending IFBS.
Note: There are no IFBS lessons on the first Monday of any Term due to staff Development Days.
IFBS for Anglophone stream students
The optional IFBS classes for Anglophone stream students are on Wednesday mornings for Anglophone stream students for Years 1 - 6.
IFBS classes start at 8:00am and end at 8:45am, allowing for a 15-minute break before the 9am school bell.
These optional classes reinforce and deepen students' French language knowledge, and require an additional enrolment to the bilingual program.
Anglophone IFBS classes will start on Wednesday 12 Feb. 2025
The annual cost is $520, invoiced following your regular invoicing schedule (annually or quarterly).
To enrol your child in the IFBS Anglophone stream classes, please email admin@fanssydney.org with:
• your child's full name
• their year level in 2025
• any allergies or medical conditions
L'Etude French Homework Club
To support students with their weekly French homework and lighten the workload at home, FANS offers L’Etude French Homework Club for students in the Francophone stream from Years 1 to 6.
Sessions are led by a Teacher of French and take place at school every Monday or Thursday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm.
To enrol your child in the Etude Homework Club, please email us. Enrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis:
Learn More Enrol Now
For Anglophone stream students, please send us an expression of interest for an Etude homework group for Years 3-6.
Email us
High School Extracurricular Classes 2025
French learning can continue after the bilingual program, with FANS extracurricular classes for High School students.
Classes are conveniently held after school at the Forestville Community Arts Centre (beside the Forestville Library).
To learn more and to enrol, please visit our website:
Learn More

DELF Exam Preparation Classes
FANS has been leading DELF exam preparation classes for many years and offers several classes for the A2, B1 and B2 DELF Junior exams, for Anglophone and Francophone stream students.
The DELF is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education, via France Education International.
This diploma is internationally recognised, is valid for life, and opens a vast array of opportunities to study and live in French-speaking countries around the world.

History Workshop
This exciting workshop focuses on introducing students to French history through conversation, films, documentaries, and current events.
In 2025, students will learn about the two World Wars, the Cold War and Decolonisation.

L'esprit critique
This new class aims to develop students' critical thinking skills by discussing the world we live in, while studying news & current affairs.
Topics discussed will cover France 5th Republique, the Presidential elections, the creation of the European Union, the place of France in the current Francophone world, the migration crisis in Europe, and past and current world conflicts.

Alliance Française
French Film Festival (AF FFF)
This annual event is coming to Sydney from 4 March to 9 April, showcasing French language films from around the world in cinemas across Australia.
As a long-time partner of the Alliance Française in Sydney, FANS will once again be organising group discounted tickets at Roseville Cinemas for several showings. Gather your friends and head to the cinema en français, with English subtitles.
The schedule and tickets will be released on Wednesday 5 February, so stay tuned!

Welcome back everyone!Bonne rentrée à tous!
With thanks to our
sponsors & partners
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