Our Purpose
FANS is a dynamic not-for-profit, self-funded parent association that was created in 1998 with a clear purpose:
● Educate the children of francophone families in French
● Maintain a family’s native culture and language while living in Australia
● Share that language and culture with the community
Today, 25 years later, FANS has grown and evolved to include:
● A modern, quality primary school French-English bilingual program, with two streams to educate both Francophone and Anglophone students in French
● A vibrant association of 800 members, employing 15 teachers of French
● French classes for secondary level students
● Annual cultural events for the entire community to enjoy
What we do
the French language and francophone cultures amongst families residing on the North Shore and Northern Beaches of Sydney.
fun cultural and social events for FANS members, and host an annual French Market to share the French language and cultures with the broader community.
Manage and fund
the French bilingual program at Killarney Heights Public School, in close partnership with the School’s executive team.
Create and teach
unique courses for secondary school students, to support learning in French during the high school years.


Our Values
Our committee is made of volunteers elected for a 12-month period during our Annual General Meeting. Each committee member brings their enthusiasm, skills and passion for bilingualism.

Clémence Duprat, President
Clémence arrived in Australia in 2008 as a translator, and has worked in global companies providing accessibility services. She is passionate about languages and education and holds a Master of Teaching Primary. She has two children at KHPS and has experienced first-hand the work and initiatives implemented by FANS. She joined the committee in 2020 as French Market Leader, became vice-president in 2021 and president in 2024.

Jérémy Dupuit, Vice-President
Jérémy has two kids currently at KHPS and one daughter taking high school classes with FANS. Jérémy joined the FANS committee in 2020. He brings strong system implementation experience to support the implementation of a new Customer Relationship System, and also brings leverage to revamp the FANS website and communications.

Sophie Le Gall, Treasurer
Sophie has been living in Sydney since 2011, after a few years working in Spain. She acquired a Certified Practising Accountant degree in Australia and is currently employed in a large Australian company as a Finance Manager. She has two sons at KHPS who participate in the bilingual program and the extra curriculum activities proposed by FANS. She was elected at the AGM in June 2022.

Isabelle Dellerba, Secretary
Isabelle first landed in Sydney in 2012. She works as a journalist for French media. Her 2 children were born in Australia. The oldest one is enrolled in the Killarney Heights Public School bilingual program. She has always been interested in bilingual education. Isabelle was elected at the AGM in June 2022.

Andrew Rowe, Public Officer

Gabrielle Beckenham, General Member
After years living in London where her 2 children were born, Gabrielle and Tom relocated to Sydney, where Tom is originally from. It was Gabrielle and Tom’s priority for their children to keep learning, speaking and hearing French. Gabrielle loves the multicultural community and the opportunities that KHPS and the FANS bilingual program has provided to their family.

Ewa Douroux, General Member
Ewa arrived in Australia in 2013. She has two boys in the bilingual program at KHPS. As a life-science executive and with her experience on other boards, Ewa joined the FANS committee with an enthusiasm to contribute to the business development & governance of the association.

Marine Hautemont, General Member
Marine arrived in Australia in 2001, and has two girls enrolled in the bilingual program at KHPS. As co-founder of AIM Overseas, she has a wealth of experience in the student exchange space and understands the assistance families needs when relocating. Marine welcomes new families to the FANS community and ensures their integration is successful.

Xavier Heyman, General Member
Xavier arrived in Australia in 2009. He has twin girls enrolled at KHPS. Xavier has always been involved in the French community in Australia. Xavier brings business development skills. He is also a qualified lawyer in Australia and France. In another life, he worked in the music and TV industry.
Our Admin Team
First points of contact for our members and partners, our dedicated team is here to ensure the smooth delivery of FANS offerings in accordance with our vision and values.

Anne Bentley, General Manager
Anne moved to Australia 10 years ago, after living in New Caledonia, France, Ireland and Hong Kong. The choice of Killarney Heights was evident when settling in Sydney, so her child could benefit from a bilingual education. Before working for FANS, Anne worked in Communications, Marketing and Events in the corporate world. She enjoys working in an association setting, dedicating her working hours to providing services the members enjoy. She loves the buzz of the French Market and is regularly in awe of the students’ enthusiasm regarding their French learning.

Aurélie Favennec, Admin Officer
Aurélie has lived over 15 years in Australia, searching for the sun after some years in England and Wales. Aurélie started working for FANS in 2016 and has two children in the bilingual program. She previously worked in event management, marketing and communications, and office management. She believes that speaking several languages allows for an open mind on the world, on different cultures, and creates an understanding of people that hopefully leads to empathy.

Jessica Mineau,
Communications & Events Officer
Jessica grew-up in Ontario, Canada, where she participated in French Immersion classes and student exchange programs to Quebec and France to become bilingual. She previously worked in Journalism and Television Production before finding a passion for Communications in Education. Jessica and her family left the snowy winters of Montreal to call Australia home in 2016. Thanks to the FANS program, her children are growing up to be bilingual.
Terms and Conditions
● Families with children enrolled in the Association’s programs (Killarney Heights Public School Bilingual Program, DELF or other classes organised by FANS), and who are up to date with their program and/or class fee payments, are automatically members of FANS.
● A family or individual who is not enrolled in one of the Association’s programs can become a member by completing the appropriate form and paying the annual membership fee.
● Membership to FANS implies the acceptance of its constitution and rules and regulation in their entirety.
Members’ Duties:
● FANS members must behave in accordance with FANS’ expectations of respect, tolerance and friendliness towards other FANS members, Committee members and FANS employees.
● Members may not disparage the Association; spread false rumours; share private data without authorisation; adopt behaviours akin to defamation, harassment of FANS employees, of KHPS employees or of Committee members; or have any other deliberate action that could prejudice FANS’ interests and the operation of the bilingual program.
● By enrolling their children in the bilingual program or in any other classes organised by the Association, FANS members commit to adhere to the General Terms and Conditions (see all sections below: ” Bilingual Program at KHPS” , “After-hour Classes” and “The French Study”) and not to denigrate the FANS programs, its classes, teachers, FANS employees, Board members, and the management of the organisation. Members should be aware that their actions reflect on the Association.
● Members must settle any outstanding payment related to membership, bilingual program and/or class fees by the deadline advised on the invoices, or as per agreed with the Administration, if special conditions have been approved.
● Every parent is invited to actively contribute to the management of the program and to participate in fundraising efforts that will directly benefit the bilingual program. The opportunities are numerous and varied, allowing parents with little time to contribute if they wish.
Members’ Rights:
● Members can apply for a paid position within FANS and will be required to declare any possible conflicts of interest at the time of application.
● Members over 18 years of age have the right to stand for election to the FANS committee. Members with a profitable activity that directly competes with FANS’ activities (for instance private classes) may be declared ineligible to stand for election as Committee Member if the current Committee considers it a conflict of interest
● Members may approach the Committee at any reasonable time on issues relating to the management of the program and the activities of the Association. The Committee presents the operational report or review and the financial balance sheet annually at the General Meeting.
● Members may attend all Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association.
● Members are entitled to receive all the Association’s communications and newsletters.
● Members are entitled to appoint one representative per family, over the age of 18, to vote at the Association’s annual and extraordinary general meetings.
● A member can vote only once at each meeting, regardless of the number of adults or children in his/her family.
Membership Cancellation or Exclusion of a Member
● A breach of any of the rules enumerated herein may result in penalties, including termination of membership, or other penalties as the Committee deems appropriate, up to and including the expulsion from the bilingual program and/or classes.
● The membership cancellation / program expulsion aims to protect FANS from any public or criminal liability resulting from the conduct of its members and to guarantee a serene and healthy relationship with the Management and the KHPS Community. Both of which are essential to a long-lasting successful bilingual program.
● Any situation of exclusion will be carefully looked at by the Committee and a joint decision will be made by the members of the Committee.
● Before the management committee terminates a membership, the committee must give the member a full and fair opportunity to show why the membership should not be terminated and/or the member should remain in the bilingual program/classes.
● If, after considering all representations made by the member, the management committee decides to terminate the membership, the Secretary of the committee must give the member a written notice of the decision.
In accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection laws, personal data is subject to controls to prevent unauthorised processing. Employees paid by the Association are the only ones who have access to members’ private data as part of their functions and use this data for the sole purpose of sending essential information about FANS (including, but not limited to communications related to the bilingual program – invoicing, reminders of payments, class information; the distribution of the newsletter; invitations to social events organised by FANS members; or exceptional events such as the AGM (financial report, profession of faith…); offer from sponsors).
By becoming a member of the Association, members authorise the use of photos and videos taken during events organised by FANS on which they appear for the purpose of promoting the Association, its program and its events (such as the French Market, social events, etc.). These posts can be on social networks (Facebook: FANS public group, French Market Page; Instagram, etc.) or in-house (FANS newsletters, French Market newsletters, School newsletters…).