Thank you for your interest in our educational programs.
Please find below the terms and conditions for our Bilingual program and our various classes.

In submitting an online application for your children to be enrolled in FANS bilingual program, or by having children currently enrolled with the FANS bilingual program, you accept the terms and conditions set out in this document. 


•             “FANS” means the association administering the bilingual program. 
•             “Parents” means the student’s parents, carers, legal guardians who are responsible for the students’ education. 
•             “Student” means the person enrolled as a student in the bilingual program. 
•             “School” means Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS), where the bilingual program is delivered. 


The French-English bilingual program administered by FANS is a unique program delivered in partnership with Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS).

All students enrolled in the FANS bilingual program benefit from a bilingual education during school hours: an English-speaking teacher and a French-speaking teacher plan lessons together following the Australian NSW curriculum but ensuring that part of it is delivered in French in group settings. 

The FANS bilingual program has 2 distinct streams to address the profiles of the students enrolled (see Section “Definition of streams”) : 
•        Francophone stream, and 
•        Anglophone stream 

The aim of the bilingual program is to provide students with a bilingual education to maintain and/or develop the French language and Francophone culture, while being fully integrated into Australian schooling, learning the Australian curriculum. 

FANS teachers of French teach part of the curriculum to students enrolled either in the Francophone stream or in the Anglophone stream, during dedicated hours every week. 

Literacy, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Arts, Sports can all be taught partially in French to the students, depending on their stream and their grade. Pedagogical methods vary from immersion using the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology to small group teaching or team-teaching.

Intensive French Before School (IFBS) classes are held from Year 1 to further focus on sound knowledge, vocabulary, spelling and grammar. IFBS lessons are an integral part of the Francophone stream, and the classes are mandatory for students in the Francophone stream from Year 1 (twice a week before school). They are included in the fees.
IFBS lessons are optional for students in the Anglophone stream and are subject to a specific enrolment and additional fees. 

It is expected, for a student starting in Kindy and leaving in Year 6, that: 
•       a student in the Francophone stream will have maintained their bilingualism in French (being able to read, comprehend and write in French). 
•       a student in the Anglophone stream will be fluent in everyday matters. 

Framework & Partnership between FANS and KHPS  

The bilingual program is an additional privately funded program that operates within Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS). 

It is the result of a more than twenty-year collaboration between FANS’ and the School’s management teams. This program exists, in large part, thanks to the goodwill of the KHPS management team who supports the program very effectively. Daily collaboration between FANS and KHPS allows for the program’s constant improvement and greater visibility. 

The bilingual program is complementary to the School’s activities, and its orientations must be aligned with the primary mission of KHPS. 

The implementation of the program is therefore subject to the School’s control over educational objectives and methods, and compliance with the regulations imposed by the New South Wales Department of Education (DoE). 

The curriculum taught at the School is the NSW syllabus, with the integration of the specific needs of teaching and learning French. 

The pedagogical authority is the direction of KHPS, and any questions relating to the operation, the integration of the program, the formation of classes, the methods and the teaching objectives must first be addressed to the School. FANS will serve as interlocutor if necessary. 

Parents and students of the School must comply with KHPS rules and requirements regarding timetables, communication, uniforms, before- and after-school care, disciplinary procedures, medical conditions, medications, and all that concerns the usual School’s operations. 


Definition of streams 

Francophone stream: 

Students starting in Kindergarten (Kindy) in the Francophone stream must have been exposed daily to French from infancy to school age. French is their mother tongue or their second language. 
A student in Kindy in the Francophone stream is able to understand complex instructions and stories in French. 

Usually, a student in the Francophone stream will have at least one French-speaking parent at home who consistently speaks to them in French. 

Should a student's ability to follow the Francophone stream of the program be questioned by the teacher, the family will be contacted for a discussion with the teacher and the FANS admin team (see Section “Change of Stream process”).   

For an enrolment in higher grades (Year 1 to Year 6), an assessment of the students’ level of French by a FANS teacher will be organised if the children were not previously schooled in French. 


Anglophone stream: 

A student starting Kindy in the Anglophone stream is a child who has had little to no exposure to French from infancy to school age. 
They may have had some exposure to French with a French-speaking parent but will usually have a limited understanding of basic instructions in French. 

For students to start in Year 1 to Year 6 in the Anglophone stream, they must have had French lessons before joining KHPS. An assessment of their level of French by a FANS teacher will be necessary and will determine if the child can take part in the bilingual program. 


Enrolment Process 

There are two steps to enrol into the bilingual program: 
a.      Enrol at KHPS, so the child is a student at the public school, 
b.      Enrol at FANS, so the student is enrolled in the bilingual program itself. 


Enrolment at Killarney Heights Public School (KHPS) 

The child must be enrolled at the School to attend KHPS. 
The official NSW public schools’ enrolment form must be completed and sent directly to the KHPS Admin Office. 
The document is available at the School’s admin office or on the Department of Education’s website. 

For families enrolling from overseas, an appointment with the School needs to be organised as soon as possible to discuss the enrolment. 

There is an out-of-catchment area process for families living outside Killarney Heights but who wish to enrol at KHPS to follow FANS Bilingual program. Please refer to the School’s website. 


Enrolment in the bilingual program administered by FANS 

Enrolment process 

1.      All enrolments are made via the FANS online platform, accessible via the FANS website ( 
2.      Enrolments open from May to September for a start in the bilingual program the following year. 
3.      For all new enrolments outside of the enrolment period, an email must be sent to the FANS office: 
4.      Enrolment into the bilingual program is to be done only once, when first starting school at KHPS. It is understood that the renewal of enrolment into the program is done automatically for the following years until the end of primary school in Year 6.

Bond and Administrative fee 

5.      Payment of a bond as well as a one-off administrative fee is required at the time of enrolment. The bond is not a deposit to be credited towards future payments. It is held by FANS as a cover for unpaid invoices. 
6.      The bond is refunded at the end of Year 6 when the student leaves the program. 
7.      The bond is refundable if the School is unable to offer a place to the child. 
8.      The bond is not refundable for change of mind by the family or for any other unforeseen reasons, nor transferable to a future year or to another child. 
9.      The bond is refunded in the instance of an early departure from the program (before the end of Year 6) under the condition 25 listed below. 
10.    The administrative fee is non-refundable. 


Fees and payment of fees  

11.   An invoice for the tuition fees is sent at the beginning of each term for all students in both streams (Anglophone and Francophone). 
The payment of the first term’s invoice includes membership to the Association and gives access to the social activities and events organised by FANS. 
12.   Payment must be settled within 10 days of the invoice being received. 
13.   Late fees are applied after the due date, and every 14 days thereafter until the invoice is fully settled. 
14.   Fees for any term started are due in full. 
15.   In case of non-payment of a term, the student will not be accepted in the bilingual program or in Intensive French Before School classes when resuming school after school holidays the following term. The bond will not be refunded. 
16.   An option to settle fees as one annual payment is available at the beginning of Term 1. A discount will be applied provided that payment is made within the due date.  
17.   A discount is also applicable from the third child and up enrolled in the bilingual program. 
18.   Tuition fees are reviewed annually by FANS Committee.  
19.   In exceptional circumstances and cases of ‘force majeure’ that would require the School to close, tuition fees for the bilingual program remain due and the terms and conditions remain unchanged. The FANS Committee can review this clause and the terms and conditions in light of the circumstances, noting that any amendment to the terms and conditions remains at its own discretion. 


Change of stream process

20.   A change of stream can be discussed at the parents' request at any time during the school years. However, a meeting between the parents, the teachers (FANS’ and the classroom teacher) and FANS admin team should always precede the decision for a change of stream. Clauses 25 to 27 may still apply. 
21.   If a student does not meet the pre-requisites of the Francophone stream or if their level of French has been assessed as insufficient to follow the Francophone stream, a meeting with their teacher of French and FANS admin team will be organised with the parents. 
22.   Following Clause 21, the progress of the students will be monitored and an evaluation planned to reassess their ability to remain in the Francophone stream.
23.   The decision to change a student from the Francophone stream to the Anglophone stream (or vice versa) is determined by the teachers’ assessment regarding the level of French and the consideration of the student’s well-being and their learning and academic development within the bilingual program. 
24.   The change of stream is acted by FANS management in the best interest of the student. 


Termination of enrolment in the bilingual program 

25.   In the case of a departure from the bilingual program, a school term’s notice is required in writing. 
This notice is to be received by the FANS Office at by the end of the first week of the term preceding the last term of enrolment (for instance: Week 1 term 2 to finish Week 1 term 3). 
26.   Any notice received after end of Week 1 will incur payment of the full fees for the current and the following term. 
27.   In the event of a departure from the bilingual program without the required notice, the full fees for the following term are due. The bond will be refunded once payment has been received.
28.   You can officially withdraw your children from the program and re-enrol them upon your return if the absence is more than 5 consecutive school weeks. 

a.      However, in the case of a prolonged absence (i.e. over 5 weeks) you will have to supply personal reasons and adhere to the clauses 14, 15, 25, 26 and 27. 
b.      A new bond and admin fees will have to be paid. 
c.      Confirmation of re-enrolment with the School will also depend on available places at the time of your return. 
d.      An assessment of their level of French by a FANS teacher will determine if the child can re-join the bilingual program. 


Terms and Conditions Acceptance                      

By joining the Bilingual Program administered by FANS, you are agreeing to and accepting these Terms and Conditions. 

 Terms and Conditions as of 17 May 2024

FANS is organising classes after school. These extracurricular classes are being held in rented offices, with a French-speaking teacher who prepares the class and the program.
The classes are open to students with prior knowledge of French and who wish to continue their progression in learning the language.
Some classes (DELF) offer the possibility to sit an official exam recognised by francophone institutions and is organised in Sydney by the Alliance Française de Sydney (DELF A2 Junior, B1 Junior et B2 Junior).
Other classes are organised for students who are not looking to receive a diploma and prefer focusing on studying the culture and France in general.

Enrolment Process and Fees

Enrolment into classes
Enrolments are to be done by expression of interest via email: FANS and the teacher will recommend the class the student will join, according to the student’s knowledge of the language and level.
Enrolment is for a full school year. It is to be renewed at the end of the school year for the following year should the family wish to continue the class.

Classes fees and payment
Classes last for 1.5 hours or 2 hours.
Fees are reviewed each year according to a budget approved by the FANS General Manager. Fees are communicated at the beginning of the year before confirmation of the enrolment by the families.
An invoice for the tuition fees is sent at the beginning  of each term. Payment of the first term’s invoice triggers automatic membership to the Association and gives access to the social activities and events organised by FANS (see the document “Association Rules and Regulations”).
Payment must be settled within 10 days of the invoice being received. Late fees are applied after the due date.
In the instance where FANS is to provide manuals and other potential resources to be used in class, the price is included in the invoice.

Participation to the DELF Exam is not compulsory. Inscription is on the teacher’s suggestion.
FANS is the point of liaison between the Alliance Française de Sydney and the families: The Association organises the enrolments and the delivery of the certificate of achievement and of the diplomas after the exam.
Enrolment fees to the exam are set by the Alliance Française and are to be paid to FANS directly to simplify the enrolment process between the families and the Alliance Française de Sydney. The family payment is transferred in full by FANs to the Alliance Française de Sydney.

Information and document to supply
Parents will be requested at time of enrolment to specify the student’s medical conditions and allergies, if any. An action plan will need to be supplied to FANS and the teacher, to address these conditions and/or allergies.

Terms and Conditions
1.    Families are requested to sign up to the classes for the full school year.
2.    However, in case of cancellation during the school year, a 4-week notice is required in writing (i.e. : 4 classes before the last class attended).
3.    In the event of non-payment of a term, the student will not be accepted in class the next term.
4.    If the student is not attending a class, payment for this class is still due.
5.    In the instance where FANS would need to shorten or cancel a class – for example due to a teacher being absent – the Association will organise at its discretion:
○    either to catch up the missing minutes over one or several future classes
○    either to refund the class
○    either deduct the fee for this class from the next invoice
6.    In exceptional circumstances and cases of ‘force majeure’ that would require FANS to cancel the classes of the current term, the current invoice must be settled in full and the terms and conditions remain unchanged. The FANS Committee can review this clause and the terms of conditions in light of the circumstances, noting that any amendment to the terms and conditions remains at its own discretion.

Terms and Conditions Acceptation

By joining the after-school classes operated by FANS, you are accepting these General Terms and Conditions.

Description of L’Etude (French Study) and Educational Objectives
FANS is running an after-school session at KHPS called L’Etude (French Study).
L’Etude (French Study) is held in premises rented by the Association and is open to KHPS students enrolled in FANS Bilingual Program.
The aim of L’Etude (French Study) is to assist students with their weekly homework submitted by the Teachers of French of the bilingual program delivered at KHPS.
L’Etude is supervised by a Teacher of French from the FANS bilingual program.

Enrolment Procedure and Price

Enrolment to L’Etude (French Study) is done by completing a registration form available on FANS website.
Registration is valid for one (1) school term and must be renewed at the end of the term for the following term.

Price and Payment
The class runs for 1 hour from 3:00pm to 4:00pm on Mondays and Thursdays for students in the Francophone stream.
The class fee is set according to a budget approved by the Management / FANS Committee and communicated at the start of the school year before the family confirms the registration.
An invoice is sent at the start of each term.
Each term must be paid within 10 days of receipt of the invoice.
Any unpaid invoice issued by FANS for the KHPS bilingual program, L’Etude (French Study) or Intensive French Before School class will cancel any future enrolment for L’Etude (French Study).

Documents to return to FANS
At the time of enrolment, parents are asked to specify any medical conditions and/or allergies the student may have. An action plan will need to be attached if there is one. This medical action plan will only be communicated to the teachers in charge of L’Etude (French Study).
For students also enrolled at KHOSHC and who are required to be taken to the centre after L’Etude (French Study) a release form will be sent to the parents and will need to be returned to FANS. FANS will forward the form to KHOSHC on parents’ behalf.
A release form must also be completed and returned to FANS to specify pick up arrangements.

General Conditions of L’Etude (French Study) Operated by FANS
1.    Families enrolling are requested to commit to one (1) full school term.
2.    Renewal of registration from one term to the next is done by email 4 weeks before the end of the current term.
3.    If the student does not attend a class, payment for that class remains due.
4.    Students enrolled in L’Etude (French Study) will meet the designated teacher in the allocated classroom (to be confirmed at the start of the year to the parents).
5.    After class, the student can only be accompanied away by a nominated carer.
6.    Students participating in the French Study also enrolled in KHOSHC will be taken to KHOSHC by the teacher at the end of the session.
7.    It is imperative that parents pick up their children on time. If you think that you will be running late to collect your child, please call FANS on 0488 776 133 to inform our staff. An additional charge of $5.00 per 10 minutes per child will be applied to supervise your child/ren and will be invoiced additionally.
You acknowledge that whenever you are late to collect your child, we must arrange our staff to remain for additional time, causing disruption to us and our staff. You agree that the fee referred to in this clause represents a genuine pre-estimate of the loss incurred in supervising children beyond the end of the designated class time.
8.    FANS reserves the right to cancel a child’s enrolment in any of the services due to any of the following:
○    Non-payment of fees;
○    If these terms and conditions are breached;
○    Continual poor behaviour disrupting the class.
9.    A rest period before starting L’Etude (French Study) is planned for a snack. This afternoon tea is to be provided by the parents in their child(ren)’s lunchbox. Please refrain from packing nuts as children enrolled in the French Study may have allergies.
10.    FANS reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time. Amendments will be effective immediately upon notification to participants. The continued use of our services by the participants following such notification will represent an agreement to be found by the terms and conditions as amended.
11.    In exceptional circumstances and cases of ‘force majeure’ that would require FANS to cancel the classes of the current term, the current invoice must be settled in full and the terms and conditions remain unchanged. The FANS Committee can review this clause and the terms of conditions in light of the circumstances, noting that any amendment to the terms and conditions remains at its own discretion.

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
Participation in the L’Etude (French Study) operated by FANS implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.