How to stand for the FANS Board Elections

Do you have a project in mind?

Do you have skills that you'd like to put to use for FANS?

Do you have available time to invest in our not-for-profit, parent-led association? 

Every year in June, FANS elects its Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

You will find the steps below to stand for FANS elections and all relevant forms and documents to join to your application.

For further information, please contact the FANS Secretary:

Eligibility and profiles needed

To become a candidate, you must be a current member of the association and ensure you are up to date with your FANS membership and dues.  

We recommend you look at the skills required for each position to help you decide on the role that best suits your interests and expertise. All of the Board Positions descriptions are available via the link below.

Every year the committee may look to recruit for specific positions depending on current or future projects. This is usually communicated through FANS newsletters or emails. 

Board Positions Descriptions

Preparation of your candidacy

You must follow the steps and submit the forms below to validate your application:

Mission statement (for new candidates only):

This is a description of your application that should contain your profile, your photo (if possible), your motivations and/or put forward a project for the association. The primary purpose of the mission statement is to inform the voting members and allow them to assess your application, and its relevance to FANS and the bilingual program at Killarney Heights Public School. 

There are no requirements on the content of your statement, so you can introduce yourself, highlight your skills, share your experience with other associations and show your vision for the position you seek. 

Your mission statement should be produced in Word format on a single A4 page for distribution. You must send your application and respect the deadlines below.


Please download the form below and include the Board Position for which you apply. This form must be filled out and signed by two current FANS members endorsing your nomination (1 family = 1 member).

Nomination Form

Application process and time frame

For a candidacy to be valid, your application must be received by the Secretary of FANS by Tuesday, 30 May 2024, midnight.

However, we recommend that you send your complete application (mission statement and nomination) before 13 May 2024 at midnight (12 am) so that your mission statement and nomination can be distributed to all members along with the official convocation to the AGM. 

This allows FANS members to view the list of candidates and review their projects. 

New candidates can still apply until 30 May but won’t benefit from their mission statement being distributed by FANS to all members. The final list of candidates will be distributed to the Association five days before the AGM (1 June), and proxy forms can be submitted up to 48 hours before the AGM (4 June at 7pm).

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

We always welcome your attendance at our AGM as it is an important moment in the life of our association.

Elections will be based on valid applications received. If you cannot participate in the AGM, please notify in advance the secretary

If the secretary receives only one nomination for a position, the sole candidate will be automatically elected.

If the Secretary receives more than one nomination for the same position, a vote will occur at the Annual General Meeting.

13 May

Application with mission statements and nominations received by the  Secretary to be distributed to FANS members and to be included for voting at the AGM.

16 May

Official Convocation to FANS AGM sent with applications and mission statements (if any) to FANS members. 

30 May

Further applications with mission statements and nominations to be received by Secretary to be included for voting at the AGM.

1 June

Final list of all candidates distributed to members of the Association (only if new candidates have sent applications after 13 May).

4 June

All proxy forms received by the Secretary (only in the case of a vote between several candidates who applied for the same position).

6 June


The Positions

The board comprises the five specific positions required by FANS’ statutes (‘Office-bearers’) and between three and five general members (General Members).


5 Positions


     Public Officer
General Members

3 Positions


     General Member
     General Member
     General Member
     General Member
     General Member

The AGM - Minutes

Read the minutes from the 2024 AGM