Dear members,
The winter sun is warming up and spring is hopefully around the corner. In the meantime, we are all enjoying the FIFA Women's World Cup soccer, with the action happening at our doorstep! Which team are you cheering for?
Our teachers and students are busy with Term 3 bilingual learning, with the Rallye lecture reading challenge underway, and the DELF exams on the horizon for Year 6 students.
Bienvenue! Please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new FANS team members, who strengthen our association to continue delivering a quality bilingual program, organizing fabulous events, communicating with our community, and welcoming new families to the school.
A big event on the annual education calendar is coming to Killarney! FANS is honoured to co-organize and co-host the upcoming Australian Association of French-English Bilingual Schools (AAFEBS) conference. We look forward to holding the conference at KHPS this October to showcase our wonderful school, the unique FANS bilingual program, and our many talented students and staff.
Best wishes for Term 3,
The FANS Team
Bienvenue! Welcome to FANS
Congratulations to Lily Stewart, Ewa Douroux and Marine Hautemont, who joined the FANS committee at the recent Annual General Meeting. If you’d like to know more about the FANS committee members, please see their bios featured on our website.
In the FANS office, we welcome community member Jessica Mineau in the role of Communications & Events Officer. Jessica can be reached at
We would also like to welcome a new-to-us shipping container that will be converted into a beautiful FANS storage room. If you are the organising type, please contact us if you’re interested in helping with this project.

Welcome to teacher of French Mme Mestraletti, who recently arrived from Paris with 10 years of teaching experience.She is replacing M. Algisi, who is returning to France. We thank him for his time at KHPS and wish him all the best.

Rallye Lecture
Francophone reading challenge
Start your engines! The francophone Rallye Lecture is underway to encourage your child to discover new French books, including novels, comics, non-fiction, chapter and picture books.
You may have seen new French books coming home, with a reading comprehension questionnaire page tucked inside for students to complete.
For every book that students read, they earn a coupon towards a special draw at the week ten Rallye lecture ceremony. The more books read, the more chances of winning!
A certificate will be awarded to the student that has read the most books in each grade by the end of the term.
Bilingual Program
Kindy Enrolment 2024
Bilingual program enrolments are open for 2024 Kindy students in the Anglophone and Francophone streams, with registration closing at the end of August.
Current students are enrolled in the program until Year 6—no need to do anything!
As members of the school community, please help us spread the word about our quality, unique bilingual program. Your referrals and recommendations are invaluable to our reputation as leaders in French-English education in Sydney.
Interested families can learn more and enrol on our website or contact Aurelie directly with any questions at

DELF Prim' exam registration
FANS offers the opportunity for Year 6 students in the anglophone and francophone streams to sit the DELF Prim’ exam at KHPS, in partnership with the Alliance Française de Sydney.
The DELF is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify a student’s level of French proficiency. This certificate is internationally recognised, valid for life and opens up enriching opportunities for study, travel, work and more.
A letter with more information and a permission form has been distributed to all Year 6 students in the anglophone and francophone streams.
Please return the bottom portion of the letter to your child’s teacher of French as soon as possible to advise whether you would like your child to participate in this exam.
Should you have any questions, please contact Aurelie, or your child’s teacher of French.

Family Fun Day
Saturday 12 August 2-4pm
This free event is now sold out! Thank you to all participants who have registered for this fun mystery game.
Please enter by the yellow gate and meet at the school hall for 2pm this Saturday 12 August. We are thrilled to host 100 participants.
We look forward to seeing you there!
French Market 2023
Sunday 5 November
Fancy a trip to France? No need to hop on a plane. France is coming to Killarney!
Planning for the 2023 annual French Market is already underway. Mark your diaries and save the date of Sunday 5 November, from 9am to 4pm.
This wonderful annual fundraising and social event takes place on school grounds and welcomes over 10,000 visitors from all over Sydney and beyond! It’s the highlight of our calendar, and if you’ve never attended, you’re in for a treat.
This cultural fête includes rides, food stalls, music, games, books, artisanal vendors, performances… It’s going to be the talk of the school.
None of this would be possible without the support of many community volunteers. To be in the loop, please join the FANS Volunteers WhatsApp group and get your smiles ready for French Market Day!

French Market sponsors
Call for sponsors! Want to put your business in front of 10,000 visitors? Please contact us to inquire about sponsoring the French Market and supporting our bilingual program.
Raclette in July
While we may not be in the snowy Alps, it was cold enough for our lovely FANS staff to enjoy a social raclette dinner to thank them for their daily dedication and hard work. Santé!

AAFEBS Conference
26 & 27 October
Did you know? KHPS is a member of the Australian Association of French-English Bilingual Schools (AAFEBS), one of 16 member schools, comprising 400 teachers and 4000 students.
This year’s annual AAFEBS conference will be held in Sydney, co-hosted and co-organized by FANS, KHPS, Taren Point Public School, and Lycée Condorcet.
On 27 October, conference attendees will gather at Killarney Heights Public School. We are honoured to be welcoming so many like-minded AAFEBS colleagues who are passionate about bilingual education.
Attendees will hear from keynote speaker Professor Lesley Harbon, an expert on language learning methodologies and implementation, about the conference’s theme, “What makes a great bilingual school/program?” Teachers will also participate in workshops to share best practices in a supportive environment.
Photo of AAFEBS 2022 conference in Melbourne.